Maybe it’s just me
Maybe, or maybe when other people read articles like this one they see quotes such as the following to be very misogynistic. You be the judge
“Also, The Family Foundation of Virginia Vice President Chris Freund said his organization would push to amend "no fault" divorce.
Under consideration, Freund said, would be a proposal that would allow one spouse to stop divorce proceedings where children are involved.
"Everyone in some way is affected by divorce," Freund said.”
-My point, wife wants divorce and husband says no. Who the hell does Freund think he is to tell a family what they can and can’t do? Isn’t this supposed to be the limited government party? I’m confused. But it gets better.
“According to the Web site for the Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, the organization emphasizes services for teens and low-income women about unplanned pregnancies and reproductive health issues.
The state pays Planned Parenthood about $500,000 a year for services in public schools, Obenshain said.
"I for one find that highly offensive," he said.
I find Obenshain’s comment’s offensive. Here’s why. Helping poor people deal with unplanned pregnancies is somehow offensive (Planned Parenthood is not a abortion assembly line, they hold true to their name). OFFENSIVE! Seriously. If you disagree with abortion then fight it in legislation at the federal level where it is regulated most. Don’t go about it in the worst way possible, by trying to cut funding for poor people to receive services that they so desperately need. Oh yeah and don’t forget the teenagers who were never taught about proper birth control because of the former abstinence only education (which was recently declared negatively ineffective by a congressionally ordered nationwide study, which varies drastically to the quoted “But Obenshain counters that a state report last year suggested that these programs are working.” Obenshain is wrong. Proven facts say that this program doesn’t work, the study done by “The Family Foundation of Virginia” is very very very biased towards their agenda. Duh, can you imagine it any other way?
Truthiness of American Pacifism

Truthiness of American Pacifism
Saturday, December 8, 2007
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It's simple.
It's highly unlikely that Roe v Wade will be overturned anytime soon. The Republicans know this, so they have to devise strategies to hold on to that one-issue voting base by attacking it (or at least appearing to attack it) at the state level.
This works out well for the VA GOP, because there are a lot of folks around here that call the Civil War "The War of Northern Aggression," and see the abortion issue as a fight for state rights.
This is a win-win issue for the GOP. If their efforts fail, they can go to their constituents and say "I tried."
Todays DNR
"Obenshain said he wants to cut $500,000 in funding for the Virginia League of Planned Parenthood. The move, Obenshain said, is a reaction to Democratic Gov. Timothy M. Kaine's decision to eliminate $275,000 in state funding for abstinence-based sex education programs in public schools."
It isnt about the kids, its about getting their way! You take $250,000 from abstinence only education that is proven not to work but gets me votes in the valley, and I'll try to take away double that from an effectual agency that doesn't get me votes in the valley.
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